Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What to Expect (Now That I'm Back)

My little seizure of activity might've made some brief visitors think "Oh-oh, there's a blog that didn't last very long." Well guess what? They were wrong.

The post following the introduction was more or less to give you an idea of how things are gonna be on this be on this blog. I'm not going to be discussing things that may have that sensitive of a nature too often, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

Overall, I'll be discussing things from the entertainment world; whether it be music, movies, books, video games, the Internet, or whatever comes to mind of that nature. I might throw in a more serious topic once in a blue moon, but you probably get the idea.

Course, there'll eventually come the day in which I'll run out of topics. But hopefully that will not be for a long time. Expect a new post later this week.

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